
Sustainable Development at the heart of the organization

The Organizing Committee of Pau Canoë Evénements is proud to announce that it has obtained the "Sustainable Development label", of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF in french) at the GOLD level for the Pau stage of the ICF Canoë World Cup. Kayak Slalom 2022!!

We had obtained the silver level in 2021 and our objective was clear: To obtain gold in 2022! It's done ! Obtaining this label is not an end in itself but rather the start of a sustainability and eco-responsibility approach for our events!

Thanks to all the actors!


FIC and Sustainability

In 2021, a partnership between the ICF and Starboard was launched with the aim of reducing the environmental impact of competitions. Starboard will help the FIC to make events climate neutral. As a result, the carbon footprint will be offset by planting mangroves in Myanmar. This partnership continues in 2022, and in particular via the Pau World Cup.


Activities and Sustainable Development during the Pau World Cup

From Friday August 26th to Sunday August 28th, during the competition, the public can enjoy numerous Sustainable Development activities !

#MarreDesCrados : The #MarreDesCrados challenge will take place on Saturday 27 August at 2:15pm. The principle? Collect a maximum of waste in 20 minutes on the Gave. Each association will be represented by a boat, composed of 2 young kayakers who will be in charge of navigation and a representative of the structure. Its mission: to collect as much waste as possible!

CDOS 64 events: The Comité Départemental Olympique et Sportif 64 represents the departmental sports movement and its various sports federations. The CDOS invites you to take part in fun sports activities based on the values of Olympism during the weekend. Games on the theme of SD and Olympism: JO 2024, Slalom, puzzle,... https://cdos64.org/ Saturday August 27, at 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. or 4:30 p.m. and Sunday August 28, at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. or 4 p.m.

Animations "Dessiner Dehors": The Dessiner Dehors collective invites young and old to join it for an introduction to drawing and watercolor on Friday August 26 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday August 27 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Avenir Zéro Déchet activities: The association offers you to make your own snack pouch, bag or fashion accessory from recycled materials. Find these Do It Yourself workshops on Saturday August 27, at 1:30 p.m. and 3:40 p.m. as well as Sunday August 28 at 2 p.m.


At the entrance of the competition site :

The bicycle workshop : Venez faire contrôler votre vélo en allant à la Coupe du Monde grâce à la mise en place d'un atelier mobile où seront mis à disposition des cyclistes les compétences pédagogiques et techniques de l'association « L’Atelier Vélo Participatif et Solidaire » de Billère ainsi que le matériel nécessaire. https://www.infoadrets.info/velo/ Rendez-vous entre 11h et 18, samedi et dimanche pour réparer votre vélo.

Le temps de vivre en attelage : Free horse-drawn shuttles will take you to the Aquasports Park from the car parks or the Gelos footbridge. Access for people with reduced mobility is guaranteed. You can find them on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. then from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m


Visit the "Sport Planet Village": A real tour of local initiatives in favour of the environment, local associations welcome you to their stands!

MAIF : MAIF is the official partner of the ICF Canoe-Kayak Slalom World Cup, an event that is part of the Sport Planète movement federated by MAIF. For the occasion, the mutual is embarking on the adventure with its partner Surfrider Béarn!

At the entrance to the site and on the MAIF stand:

  • discover the exhibition “From the summit to the sea”,
  • drop off your sports equipment that you no longer use in the Ecoboxes to give it a second life,
  • take part in the Kahoot sport planet,
  • discover the Surfrider Plastic Origins project with Surfrider Béarn and participate in our partner's activities: "the surprises of the sea" and DIY workshops (making your own deodorant or lip balm)

More information on: Moving towards a more responsible sport - MAIF Company and https://www.surfrider.eu/

Water Family : Water Family works for the preservation of water, health and life through its fun activities for the public. https://waterfamily.org
Ecocene:Ecocène will discuss the risks of flooding in the region through a playful model representing the watershed of our region. Their will also talk about water purification by carrying out an experiment with the public to make water drinkable. More information on : https://www.ecocene.fr/

Migradour: The Migradour association invites you to come and discover the migratory fish of our rivers with its life-size reproductions. https://www.migradour.com/
Avenir Zero Déchet: The Avenir Zéro Déchets association invites you to discover their tips for reducing daily waste and learn how to make a sponge, pouch or bag yourself from old clothes!  https://avenirzerodechet64.fr/
Citoyens du Gave: Accompanies people in difficulty on the road to integration through actions to raise awareness of environmental conservation, in particular through intensive cleaning of the banks of the Gave de Pau https://www.facebook.com/citoyensdugave
#Marredescrados: The town of Gelos presents its #MarreDesCrados action with the associations that support it around playful activities.  https://www.gelos.fr/actualites/marredescrados
Bouchons d’amour: Recycling plastic caps: a gesture of mutual aid, citizen, and ecological. Do not hesitate to bring back your caps to participate in our contest and try to win many prizes. To find out more, visit the “Pau Canoë” social networks. More information about the association at: https://www.bouchonsdamour.com

Les P’tits débrouillards :  The Petits Débrouillards team will welcome you around "Robert l'Utilitaire", his traveling laboratory: a whole program rich in experiments, games and scientific challenges to (re)discover from a playful and scientific angle, the particularities of the Pyrenean Massif, its wealth, its resources, particularly water, and the challenges of preservation. More information on: https://www.lespetitsdebrouillards.org/

Tervid’Hom: From the estuary to the source of macro-waste, come and learn all about flood waste, its specificities, the counting tool (mass, number, size) developed by Tervid'Hom. The association will inform you of the interest of setting up "flood trays" at certain strategic points along the rivers. More information on: http://teolarochelle.org/de-lestuaire-a-la-source/

Kynarou: Kynarou operates in India and West Africa to facilitate access to water and sanitation. Come and understand the importance of a shower of less than 5 minutes in their superb shower cabin and leave with your beautiful souvenir photo. More information on: https://www.kynarou.fr/wash-in-5-challenge-2/

Liken: Its team invites you to participate in a painting workshop on the theme of water. You will also have the opportunity to discuss with them on different themes around trees and water. More information at: https://www.arboretoom.com/liken

Region : New Aquitaine Region, host region of the 2023 Rugby World Cup! It's an event: for the 200th anniversary of rugby in 2023, France will host the next World Cup. New Aquitaine will be at the heart of the celebration with 5 matches at the Matmut Stadium in Bordeaux and the selection of several neo-Aquitaine towns as official base camps for the teams participating in the competition. Lots of surprises await you on the stand of the Region in the heart of the « Espace Supporters ». To find out more : https://www.nouvelle-aquitaine.fr/actualites/la-coupe-du-monde-de-rugby-...


Canoe-kayak stands
PCKCU et CDCK64 : Come and discover all types of boats, from canoes to kayaks and rabaska! The Pau Canoe-Kayak Club Universitaire will be present to present them to you.

Eshop FFCK: The FFCK Eshop is the brand for all paddle sports enthusiasts. You will find FFCK products, LaTribu products but also a selection of Multi-brand products. And why not a paddle machine challenge! More info on: https://www.eshopffck.com/
Canoe-Kayak exhibitors: About ten exhibitors will exhibit all the equipment necessary for the practice of Canoeing!