Dragon Boat coaches improved their paddling technique to aid the development of athletes back at their respective clubs during a five-day International Canoe Federation course in Malaysia. 

The ICF ran the Dragon Boat coaching course in the Malaysian state of Perak from February 19 to 23. 

A total of 17 coaches from Malaysia and China attended the course that was led by vastly-experienced ICF coach Csaba Szanto. 

Theoretical sessions saw coaches learn about training methods, speed endurance, speed development and receive technical explanations. 

Participants also got the opportunity to get on the water where they received top tips on their Dragon Boat paddling technique. 

“I’m very satisfied with the effort that was put in by all the coaches,” said Szanto. 

“They were able to gain important knowledge and make technical improvements. 

“Malaysia is a very active country in Dragon Boat with many local clubs and it has a National Championships but when it comes to international competition the country is behind other nations. 

Dragon Boat coaching course Malaysia 2025

“A way to progress countries like Malaysia is to develop their coaches. 

“From my point of view, the most important area is coaching education.  

“If you have good coaches, then you can get good athletes.” 

Wai-hung Luk, Chair of the ICF Dragon Boat Commission, said: “The coaching course in Malaysia was a great success. 

“We had very experienced coaches from Malaysia and China participating but this was an opportunity to develop their skills on and off the water. 

“Coaches are central to the development of Dragon Boat so we must continue to hold coaching courses like these.”

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