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Download the ICF media guide for the 2021 ICF Canoe Slalom World Championships
Online media applications have now closed. For more information please contact:
Local media: Andrea Zererova (Press Officer) -
International media: Ross Solly -
Covid-19 requirements for media - please read carefully!
All media will be required to meet Covid-19 requirements before receiving their accreditation. Testing will be required everytime when entering a venue and all media will be required to wear a mask at all times at the venue and to follow social distancing guidelines. The event hosts and the ICF have the right to remove the accreditation of any media refusing to follow these guidelines.
Všetky médiá musia splniť požiadavky Covid-19 pred získaním akreditácie. Počas podujatia budú všetci akreditovaní novinári testovaní každý deň pri príchode na športovisko. Počas celého šampionátu bude vo vnútorných aj vonkajších priestoroch povinnosť nosiť rúško a nutnosť dodržiavať vzdialenosť 2 metre. Vopred chceme poďakovať za dodržiavanie pokynov týkajúcich sa nariadení organizátora. Slovenská kanoistika a ICF majú právo odobrať akreditáciu akýmkoľvek médiám, ktoré odmietajú dodržiavať tieto pokyny.
Ak máte záujem o ubytovanie spolu so športovcami v bubline, prosím, konatktujte: Andrea Zererova (Press Officer) -
All the participants have to maintain a quarantine, it is very recommended for international media as well to stay in the Worlds Village at X-BionicsSphere
This counts for the countermeasures regarding the bubble concept of the competition.
Slovakia border policy
The provision of Section 2 shall not apply to:
a) fully vaccinated persons,
b) persons from 12 to 18 years of age, provided that no person in the common household is covered by the regime under Section 2.
Which means, media can cross the border to attend the WCh and "be free" only if fully vaccinated, otherwise he is obligated to stay in isolation for at least 5 days. Then the covid rules for the competition apply.
In case of any questions please contact Andrea Zererova (Press Officer) -