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The International Canoe Federation has expressed its confidence in the staging of next year’s Canoe Marathon World Championships in Gyor, Hungary following a site visit. 

Ruud Heijselaar, Chair of the ICF Canoe Marathon Committee, visited the Hungarian city where he toured the venue and met with officials involved in the organisation of the ICF flagship event. 

It will be the fourth time the ICF Canoe Marathon World Championships has been held in Gyor having played host in 1999, 2007 and 2015. 

A press conference was held during Mr Heijselaar’s visit where it was announced that plans were in place to renovate the venue’s finish tower in time for the event. 

Hungarian Canoe Federation President Gabor Schmidt, Mayor of Gyor Csaba András Dézsi and Róbert Weisz, Chair of the Host Organising Committee, were also present. 

Mr Heijselaar said he was delighted to witness the Gusztáv Kadler Marathon Hungarian Championships during his time in Gyor as more than 2,000 paddlers participated and 91 races took place. 

Ruud Heijselaar Gyor 2025 ICF Canoe Marathon World Championships

“It was a well-organised competition that gives us confidence for next year’s World Championships,” said Mr Heijselaar. 

“The place is not unknown to us, as we have already paddled three World Championships here though with different experiences. 

“During these National Championships the water level was at a fine height, and it became clear that this will also be the case at World Championships in 2025.  

“It is always better to see how they organise an event, as you get an idea of what they are capable of, although we already know a lot because it is the same organisation that runs other big international events for Canoe Sprint in Hungary.  

“Canoe Marathon is, of course, a different discipline that requires different facilities, but during this site visit, it showed that it is certainly possible.  

“It is definitely organised according to the Canoe Marathon concept, such as the start, portage and finish are together so it can be great for the audience. 

“People will be entertained with all aspects of the Canoe Marathon in one place. 

“If the Para and short distance K1 men's and women's juniors are approved for the World Championships at the ICF Congress later this year, it will be an even more wonderful programme for the athletes and the public.” 

Gabor Schmidt Gyor 2025 ICF Canoe Marathon World Championships

Mr Schmidt added: "It always takes a long way for an International Federation to put its trust in a city to become a host.  

“First of all, I would like to thank the Mayor, as he has helped and supported us from the very beginning. 

“Sports are very, very popular in Gyor, and the city has all the facilities to have high-quality sporting events.  

“I would like to thank the Chair of the ICF Canoe Marathon Committee for his vote of confidence in the association and the city.  

“This is also a challenge in addition to trust, and we always want to meet these challenges. 

“We've always been able to do that the last three times." 

Mayor of Gyor Dr Dézsi said that the municipality would like to renovate as many facilities as possible by the start of competition, such as the finish tower. 

“The finish tower with the Audi logo was built several decades ago and has now been undeservedly depreciated, so we will be renovating it nicely for this event,” said Dr Dézsi. 

“The amount for this purpose has already been earmarked and sent to our construction company, which will carry out the reconstruction.  

“We will help with everything possible in the settlement process, and we will seek the advice of Mr President." 

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Canoe Marathon