#Paddle100 Needs Your Vote!
It’s time for you to help decide the top 20 places to paddle in the world.
In March, we launched #Paddle100 in collaboration with SOMWR – our global campaign to find the 100 greatest places to paddle around the world.
Over 800+ nominations from paddle fans and communities submitted from Germany to Northern Ireland, the Caribbean to New Zealand.
Now it’s time for you to decide which ones are the best.
Here’s what you need to do:
- Make sure you’re following @planetcanoe channels
- Look out for our #Paddle100 Top 20 posts which feature our shortlisted locations
- Like, share or comment which location you think should be in our Top 20
- The locations with the most likes, shares or comments will make the Top 20
The first chance to vote on will be on Monday 26 April.
Check our SOMWR’s channels: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter