Marie-Zelia Lafont

2016 Rio Olympian Marie-Zelia Lafont has dominated the final day of women's K1 racing to secure the French Canoe Slalom National Championship title at the Eaux Vives stadium in Pau, which will host the World Championship next September.

Lafont won both race three and four to put the K1 title in her keeping, ahead of Lucie Baudu and Carole Bouzidi.

In the men's C1, Martin Thomas won the gold medal, despite a twelfth place finish in race number three. Olympic gold medallist Denis Gargaud-Chanut finished second in both race three and four on Sunday, to finsih second overall, while Edern Le Ruyet won the bronze medal .

The French Elite Championship is a competition to support the French Slalom Team selection, after which the best French players are offered to the selection. The Olympic and Paralympic Monitoring Group initially scheduled for Monday 8 May will meet on Thursday 11 May. The list of selected athletes will be broadcasted by Friday, May 12 for International Senior, Under 23 and Junior programs

Canoe Slalom