Are you interested in hosting an ICF Event? The ICF Bidding Process is open.

ICF's renewed bidding process provides National Federations the opportunity to bid for hosting an ICF event at any point throughout the season. However, as the final  decision of awarding events remains with the ICF Board of Directors, the main bidding timeline is adjusted to the Board meeting held every spring.

STEP 1: fill the bid Intent Form and send it to and the respective committe chair
STEP 2: once received from ICF, fill the Hosting Agreement Template together with the Bid Questionnaire and the Budget Template
STEP 3: send all three documents to and the respective committe chair

Before submitting the Intent Form, please read carefully the following information about the process and the list of available events. Please refer to Chapter 9 of the ICF Statutes 2024 for further details about the process, including minimum amount of hosting fees.

Discipline specific operational requirements and host agreement annexes can be found here.

For more information regarding the ICF bidding process and event contracts please contact :